
The New York Times on Booze

The New York Times had a couple of great articles in Wednesday’s Dining Section (thanks to Paul Clarke of Cocktail Chronicles for bringing this to my attention). I especially enjoyed “Let 100 (O.K., 8) Bartending Philosophies Bloom,” which taught me that I’ve been wrong in my discussion of “pre-prohibition” cocktails and cocktail culture. It should really be referred to as “pre-repeal” as there were a whole lot of cocktails invented during prohibition. Touché NY Times, Touché.

I also liked “A Brotherhood Formed with Cocktails and Ice,” which celebrates cocktail geekdom. I’ve got to say though, I understand where Dale DeGroff is coming from when he mentions some of the new bar scenes are “getting a little too sacred.” Check out the article and you’ll see what I mean.

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